Dairy Products I

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Dairy Products I
Sprite Name Max Items Per Box Starting Price per Unit Starting Price per Box Max Items per Shelf Placement Type Brand Name
43 CheeseEmmental.png Emmental Cheese 50 $ 1.83 $ 91.50 126 Fridge Mimolette
44 CheeseGruyere.png Gruyere Cheese 50 $ 2.25 $ 112.50 126 Fridge Mimolette
45 CheeseSkimmed.png Skimmed Cheese 50 $ 2.35 $ 117.50 126 Fridge Comte
46 YoghurtFruit.png Fruit Yoghurt 20 $ 2.60 $ 52.00 14 Fridge Frugen!
47 YoghurtVanilla.png Vanilla Yoghurt 20 $ 3.95 $ 79.00 14 Fridge Yowp
48 MilkBrick.png Milk Brick 30 $ 0.91 $ 27.30 72 Shelf Bourlait