Dairy Products II

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Dairy Products II
Sprite Name Max Items Per Box Starting Price per Unit Starting Price per Box Max Items per Shelf Placement Type Brand Name
49 Butter.png Butter 20 $ 3.65 $ 73.00 65 Shelf Paysans
50 CheeseParmigiano.png Parmigiano Cheese 30 $ 2.10 $ 63.00 78 Shelf Don Bernardo
51 CheeseReggiano.png Reggiano Cheese 30 $ 2.70 $ 81.00 78 Shelf Estereoprice
52 CheeseMozzarella.png Mozzarella Cheese 40 $ 2.90 $ 116.00 90 Shelf Don Bernardo
53 YoghurtSkimmed.png Skimmed Yoghurt 20 $ 3.50 $ 70.00 14 Fridge Madone